Tuesday, March 6, 2018

How to make a good game

We all like video games, they are entertaining and fun to play. Did you know that if you are the head producer of the game you benefit a lot? You earn money when people buy your game. If you want to make a good game, you will need to know the basics of a normal game.

We like games mostly because they are challenging. To make it challenging we need obstacles to make the player fail and start over. Examples of obstacles are the goombas from Mario or the enemy team players in a multiplayer game.

When you play a game, it is just so satisfying to see your score go up! Add a box or a circle at the top left or right to count the players score.

 Players also like games because of the art, it is just so dull without the art. Based on your game, try to imagine your art style and the entities would look like (the player, maps and enemies) like Mario and Overwatch maps!

You may think that sound affects may not affect the player that much but it actually helps set the mood! Add a specific sound track that you think fits with your game. Examples are the smooth music  in Overcooked or the old timey music in Cuphead!

What’s the point of making a game when you cant even play it because the servers are down or your internet connection sucks! You have to make sure that your game does not crash and it has a offline mode.

Also if your game does not have rewards, what’s the point of playing!
Make sure that your game has a reward system so that people have  a sense of progress! Like the gun and player skins in Titanfall!

The last feature that you need is a goal. Isn’t it so boring when they put you in a arena and give you a gun to fight for forever? You would need a goal for your game that gets harder the more the players progress.  

That’s all, remember to put these main Features in your game to make it as great as you can! Good luck and I hope you make the best game ever!

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