Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Creative Writing - Expressing a Favorite

Fine print time!!
I have finished a book called The Lightning Thief. Grover, the satyr, is my favorite character. The first reason why I liked him the best is because he is funny. For example, when they slayed Medusa Grover landed and said, “That was not fun! Well, hitting Medusa with a branch, that was fun. But bumping into a stone bear? Not fun.”

Another reason is that he follows his dad’s footsteps while at the same time believing that he can accomplish what his dad did not. Grover was a searcher. A searchers mission is to find the god Pan but no searcher has found him nor came back alive.

The final reason why is he knows how to be supportive but does not know when to be supportive. For example, when they were close to the underworld Percy’s morale went down and Annabeth kicked Grover near the hooves then Grover realized that Percy needed some cheering up because he left his mom at the underworld so he gave some useful moral support by saying that we made it far and don’t worry we will save your mother etc.

All in all, Grover is friendly, funny, and he is a good follower. By follower, I mean follows his dads path to being a searcher.

Until the next blog this is Alex for the A.L.E.X project.